Thursday, 24 September 2009

Hair Styles for Men

Okay, I declare myself the be-all-and-end-all of men's haircuts right now!
This is because I am trying to persuade my boyfriend to say goodbye to that damn mop that he has had since we met at 19years old!
No longer is the messy mop attractive. It's time to smarten up guys. We want to see your pretty faces so drop the flop.
I did a bit of scouting about on the web (mainly on because they have fantastic models on their books!) So here are my two contributions...
I love Ferdi Sibbel's hair style, especially in the Paul Smith campaign! A fairly neat crop that looks brill if you're partial to a bit of stubble... also low maintenance (this is a preference for me as I don't like metro-sexual boys; I like men grrrr)
George Barnett's hair style is low maintenance too but probably a little more fun to play with if you want to style it different to suit a certain outfit or night out. If you like your hair messy then this is the one for you. Also if your hair is quite wavy this is your best bet.

Short hair like this is TOTALLY in for you guys right now! Nice and short on the sides with a good texture on the top. Loverrrly stuff. (See also the 3 images from London Fashion week.) For more of this visit Guardians' report on Menswear at London Fashion Week

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