Well I don't know how you are spending your Sunday evening but I have just finished watching Dr. Strangelove by Stanley Kubrick, it's ace........anyhoo whilst watching/listening I did this... a little regression in my 16 yr old self when my feet and ankles were almost permanently covered in Henna!
The tube cost 69p from the Asda in Moss Side (Manchester). You draw it on to your skin and let it go crusty... after an hour flake off the crustyness and the henna underneath gets darker after 24hours. Much fun but maybe try your first few designs on parts of the body you can cover up if you decide you hate it.
Also just to finish tonight's blog... went to the Darwin Exhibition at Manchester Museum which I highly recommend. If your a designer then you will appreciate the design I'm sure... they use a heavy dose of my favorite typeface - Clarendon. Loverrrly stuff.
It get's me thinking a lot because I think evolution is a great idea and everything but I don't think it is the whole story. I just find that humans really don't fit into the evolution thing? We couldn't survive a night in the open yet we are the most advanced creatures on the planet! Also we make choices that are the polar opposite of animals. For instance if a squirrel is in trouble he will save himself rather than the other squirrels that may also be in danger (in a 'dangerous scenario') but a human in a house fire starts trying to save everyone else rather than running off to save him/her-self. These are just little examples of the kind of thing that is fluttering around in my mind tonight. And just to qualify that I do believe the theory of evolution as a template but it leaves a lot to be desired in terms of other questions. It definitely does not ascertain the whys and hows of human behavior and a few other things. I've got to say that I still believe creationism wholeheartedly and I think science doesn't disprove it but boost it's credibility.
Aaaannnddd just one last thing (oh there could be three more others but I will hold back until a later date) READ UP ON GAIA THEORY! I happen to be a crusader for this theory right now. I'd defo hedge my bets on it standing the test of time. For those who don't know it is a theory propoosed by James Lovelock who is a fantastically inspiring independent scientist. His hypothesis states that (here is the non-technical Becky-interpretation) the Earth functions like a giant living organism. It houses on it many (parasites?) other organisms (maybe not parasites but like how mitochondria have come to exist as part of human cells tho at one point are believed to have been independent 'things' of their own.) And the Gaia system (Earth) will replenish, repair and respire, it was born and it will die etc. So when the Earth gets too hot (ie Global Warming) it will take measures to restore the temperature however this may not kindly consider human beings. This is a short intro into the idea but his book The Revenge of Gaia should give you a pretty exciting (although terrifying) insight into the consequences.
James Lovelock is the prophet of climate change.
see Amazon Books
Erm anyhow abrupt ending because my skin is hurting and I need to wash my crusty layer of henna off to reveal my beautiful pattern underneath (it better had be beautiful because I'm stuck with it for about 3 weeks!!!)
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