This is my tribute to the fabulous Lee Alexander McQueen /CBE /16 March 1969 – 11 February 2010
Here are some photos of my favorite pieces that he designed.
As a spectator of fashion and not someone who has ever worked or been educated in the industry this is why he is amazing to me...
I will not be the first to declare that McQueen was a Visionary.
For me to describe him as a visionary means that he understood the flow of culture around him on a very high level. When designing fashion his 'points of reference' were expertly observed and cleverly developed. From this foresight McQueen would design clothes that progressed the world of fashion and also our culture of taste making him truly Avant Garde.
Not only did McQueen achieve this but he also designed clothes that people felt an affinity with. And everyone felt that affinity for different reasons. For me I love some of his dresses because of the colours and the textures he has chosen, whilst others I love because the piece is like nothing I have seen before. Sometimes I love his stuff just because it is ART and it's magnificent. Other-times I think about how I would feel in his creations and how they would add to my personality and help express who I am.
As a graphic designer this level of understanding/knowledge/foresight of fashion and design is no simple task. I spend many days at work wondering how on earth you get talent like that of McQueen.
These things sum up why McQueen is an inspiration to me but there are many more reasons why he can be described as inspirational for others.
So finally I'd like to say... ladies and gentlemen this man was a rare talent and I'm proud to say he is someone who did things his way and therefore Lee Alexander McQueen is a thousand times worthy of celebrating on this blog.
When people in the media say he was the best fashion designer of our time and a true genius I wholeheartedly agree. What a tragedy it is that he died. I desperately hope his work will go on to inspire others to be as focused and creative as he was.
Much love to all who are missing him xxx