This year the government have a fabulous initiative to encourage younger people to visit the theatre. So if you are under26 you might want to visit http://www.anightlessordinary.org.uk/for FREE theatre tickets! No catches either I promise!
It's a brilliant idea because lets face it things like the theatre and classical music venues hardly seem like the most welcoming place for young people. I often go to see a lot of the events at Music in the Round in Sheffield (http://www.musicintheround.co.uk/) but am often the only person there under 40. NOT KIDDING! I took a friend with me once and they were knocked off their feet by how the music grabs your feelings and makes you feel like you want to burst with emotion. PS Music in the Round often have offers on tickets to if you become a fan of them on Facebook and there is no age limit on this freebee either.
A lot of people find it intimidating because it is a very 'white-middle-class-age50+' thing to do. SO here is my (rookie version) 101 on how to access the world of theatre and classical music.
What is an Ensemble? A
musical ensemble is a group of two or more musicians who perform instrumental or vocal music. I remember this by thinking of the word 'assemble' which means attaching things together to make an overall form' (Please note these are Rebekah definitions and not dictionary definitions but I'd general say that I'm a reliable source)
So if you want to go see a
jazz ensemble you can probably expect to see one or two wind instruments like a saxophone and trumpet (these usually play the melody) and then one or two instruments that predominantly play chords like a piano or guitar.
What is an Orchestra? An
orchestra is an
instrumental ensemble, usually fairly large with string, brass, woodwind sections, and possibly a percussion section as well. The term
orchestra derives from the name for the area in front of an ancient Greek stage reserved for the Greek Chorus. A
chamber orchestra is a smallish size orchestra of about 50 musicians or often much less. This seems fairly self explanatory to me. I think of how many people would fit into a chamber and I'm not thinking of tons of people. If you get the chance look out for chamber orchestras playing in small venues. It is much less intimidated but incredibly exciting and intimate. So a
symphony orchestra is an orchestra of 80 or more musicians on the roster. I can't find a exact difference between a
philharmonic orchestra and a
symphony orchestra but I would expect (and this is soley my own personal judgement and NOT fact) a symphony orchestra would sound more grand and pompous whereas a philharmonic would sound a little more contemporary and phrased into more melodic pieces.
Either way expect these to be slightly more formal affairs. To be on the safe side guys should wear shoes and trousers not trainers and jeans and girls should wear an outfit that isn't too racy. But don't go dressed up as though you want to look like your mother! This isn't the 50's after all. Don't worry if no-one is dressed like you. It is probably because they are a little more senior and if they stare it is because they are happy to see someone like you there!
So how to access these fields... well google is always a good'n. Most successful orchestras have really great websites now. If you're from Liverpool then check out Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra (I know them by reputation so I expect they will deliver a pretty awesome display) Check out local venues like Bridgewater Hall in Manchester. The Upper Chapel in Sheffield is tiny and you can see quartets there. I've seen a fair few and they're great! Or get on down to your local library! LIBRARIES ARE FANTASTIC and we should be using them MUCH MUCH more so get off your arse, stop using the internet and go see how amazing your library can be (PS Sheffield library you are ace and I love you... more on that another day!) Libraries will have lots of leaflets and now is the time to start looking and booking! There are loads of concerts on around Christmas time. Sorry I can't advise for London but it shouldn't be hard to find something amazing in London! It is probably more easy to check out some international Orchestras if you are from around there!
THEATRE: Oops neglected this lot... well theatre is probably more self explanatory. Look out for films and books adapted for stage as these are easier for you to tell if it is something you will like. For example Dial M for Murder was a Hitchcock film.
You can find out if you think you will like the play in various ways... either the play itself; do research on the title, the director or writer; like Andrew Lloyd-Webber or Shakespeare, the theatre company; this could be a dance theatre, a puppet theatre etc, the venue; venues often have a house style for the types of shows they have so your city centre will have a venue that has really popular mainstream theatre (great for a night out with friends to suit a broader range or tastes) or a more niche theatre that will often be quite kooky.
What to wear? Well this is a much more casual affair but I still want you to dress up in your favourite stuff! This is a night out and yes you might not end up legless but there is nothing better than arriving home looking as beautiful as you did when you left. Layer's help... you never know whether you will end up cold or boiling. And comfort! Don't wear tight jeans that rise straight into your crotch when you sit down. One thing to consider... don't wear a sticky up hat or big hairdoo (if you don't want to be hated by the person behind you) and don't forget your glasses if you need them! There are usually cloakrooms so take a nice big jacket to wear over your lovely neat outfit.
SO! If that isn't enough to get you going drop me a line and I will be your guide! It's such a great experience and worth every penny more than another night out on the town that ruins the rest of your weekend whilst you recover. (Although don't get me wrong I love a damn good boogie every so often too! More on that another day!)
And also if you do go to something let me know what you think. AAAANNNNDdddd if your under 26 then there is NO EXCUSE to not go to the theatre in the next month or two! (I'm going 4 times!)
Aaaannnnd just for the record tonight I am going to see Dial M for Murder. I will be wearing my favourite D&G shoes. This is a photo I found on the inter-web so they aren't identical. Mine are wine red and have a bigger heel. But they are so comfy and sexy! ahhhhhh shoes! I love you.